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Marc Mason is a freelance writer based in Tempe, AZ.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005  

I did it. I really did it.

It took 29 days of working every single day, at least 2000 words every day, and I did it. I wrote a complete first draft of a novel. 67,547 words. What an incredible experience!

The way I wrote was completely new to me. I normally tend to pore over my words as I go, and I tend to go back and correct along the way, but not with this. With the deadline looming, I sat and just vomited words out onto the screen, working in short, furious bursts. The draft is wildly inconsistent as far as quality and depth go, and the tone floats back and forth across various rivers, but I have a complete work, and that's all that counts.

A complete work means I can give the book to some readers I trust and start getting feedback so I can do a second draft. Because there will be a second draft.

RISE CITY: SUZIE may not be the Great American Novel, but I know enough to realize that a lot of it works and is pretty good. And now that I have it, I want to make it great and try and get it into people's hands. Plus, I'm feeling ambitious about it; as I wrote, I found myself discovering little plot points that could be useful later down the road, and suddenly I realized I was writing the first book of a trilogy.

So next November, when NaNoWriMo rolls around, there's a damned good chance you'll find me tied to the computer again, typing away at RISE CITY: MATT. It'll be a long, hard, painful process.

I can't wait!

9:00 AM

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